Advisor Tool Kit

The International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition has put together a tool kit or group of support materials to assist particularly new faculty both in soliciting support from their deans to commit funds for sending teams to the competition and to recruit students to participate on the teams that your university chooses to support. Some of these tools are described below. They are intended to minimize faculty advisor time requirements. Please click on the links to open up and download the tools.
- The International Collegiate Business Strategy Competition Brochure: This ICBSC Brochure can be used to present the ICBSC to your Dean, business supporters, students organizations, or any other person or group that you are attempting to get to support your university’s participation in the competition. This is a brochure that provides a brief summary of the competition – what it is, what it costs, and the benefits for students and the school. It can be printed up double sided and then tri-folded. Combined with the video from the website, the story of the ICBS Competition is told very well. It is also suggested that you show your dean the support materials available. This will assist his or her efforts to recruit faculty to serve as advisors.
- Sample Campus Flyers: The first is a sample Recruiting General Info Flyer for Toolkit created using Microsoft Word. The second is a sample Information Meeting Flyer and was designed using Microsoft Publisher and saved as a PDF file. They are intended to provide samples that have been used in the past. You are your students can probably come up with something more visually creative. Please let the Administrator know if you need them in another format than that given here so that you can modify them and use them in your university.
- Sample Student Application Forms: If you plan to use a formal application procedure for students to apply to be on a team, then you will want to have an application package. This package is provided as a sample which you will modify to meet your preferences. Sample-Student-Application-Package.
- PowerPoint Presentation: The ICBSC Presentation can be used to present to your Dean, business sponsors, or students during recruiting/information meetings and has two components. The first half of the slides provide informational on the competition from the perspective of what, where, and when. The second half of the slides provide an overview of the software and is more geared toward the students who will want to know how it works.